Friday, August 14, 2015

One Semester Down!

By my count it's been 7 weeks since I last checked in on this blog.  In case anyone was keeping track, a few updates:
  • That business with the first Anatomy test?  Back and upper limb - tough.  Second test? Lower limb - not as bad.  Third test? Cranial nerves - very tough.  Fourth test?  Thorax, abdomen, pelvis - not so bad.
  • I survived Pathophysiology and its three tests.
  • I did NOT fail out of school (yet :) )
  • I have not baked since making brownies the week of our first Pathophysiology test (I knew that I would need something to cheer me up after the test)
  • I finished my first semester, and in doing so am one semester closer to becoming a PA!

Lab group together once again after our last test of the term is over!

Every day of summer class we walked by a tree on the West Bank of the U of M campus full of shoes left by past students.  We aren't really sure why people started leaving their shoes there (and it sounds like no one really is), but we decided that at the end of the summer we would leave our lab shoes there.

Mine are the glistening white ones front and center.

I learned a lot this semester.  Obviously.  I mean, of course I learned (most of) all the things I was supposed to learn for my classes, learned a lot about myself in the process, blah blah blah.  I also learned a lot of other really amazing things.  I learned that my classmates are some incredible people who I will be honored to share a profession with.  I learned that our professor has had a wealth of experiences in his life and I was lucky enough to hear just a few of his many hilarious stories.

I learned that sometimes PA school sucks.  I hesitate to say that about this experience that I have been working towards for over 3 years to participate in a profession that I am passionate and excited about, but it does.  I knew there would be long hours of studying and there would be time spent apart from my wife and son, but there are times when it really sucks.  On days when I would get home from class and have to go study for a test instead of build towers that my son can knock over.  On nights when my tired and pregnant wife would do bath time with our son so I could get through a lecture.  

There were so many times I would sit at my desk thinking "What am I doing?  I should be out there helping/playing/being a part of my family."  I know in my head that I am spending these long nights working towards providing a future for my family, but sometimes rationalizing this was harder than I thought it would be.  This is what spending more hours of the day looking at a textbook than at your wife will do to you.

I'm now nearing the end of my first week of my three (three!) weeks of vacation before fall semester starts, and life is good.

It's been a little less of this:

A little more of this:

A little less of this:

A little more of this:

A little less of this:

I never took my front-and-center parking spot for granted

A little more of this:

You get the idea.  In summary, summer so far has been good :)

So long for now,

The Baking PA